How to deal with a Rat infestation

Rats are well known for two things here in the UK: outnumbering the human population and causing distress and worry to residents, business owners and local councils everywhere.

Know your Enemy
Rats eat pretty much anything (including gnawing holes in your house) and are responsible for the spread of diseases such as salmonellosis (food poisoning) and Weill’s disease (which can be fatal to humans). Along with disease, rats are also responsible for spreading parasites which can torment domestic pets and compound infestation problems even further.

Preventing Rats from Becoming Resident
Like most things in this field, preventing rats from establishing a home and leading to an outright infestation is the best way to deal with this kind of pest problem. Established rat populations are not only more difficult to dispose of, the habitat they leave behind (holes, pathways, burrows) also makes your home more inviting and accessible for future infestations.

Three Steps to Prevention
There are three things you need to do to prevent rats from infesting your home:

• Limit Access – rats only need a hole the size of a 10p to squeeze their bodies through so make sure your home is structurally sound, inside and out.

• Limit Food Supply – rats need food and drink to survive so make sure you fix water leaks and clear up food spillages immediately

• Restrict Areas of Habitation – rats like quiet areas to nest and breed so ensure you make frequent checks of areas on your property which are not
frequently used.

How to Spot a Rat Infestation
Rat droppings inside and outside of the home, signs of gnawing on door frames and wires, and scratching or scurrying heard behind walls after dusk are all classic signs of a rat infestation. Other signs include damage to plants and garden items and urine stains and odours.

Rat Infestation Treatment
If you are unable to prevent your home from experiencing a rat infestation then your next step will be to take the initiative and get rid of them.

But get rid of them how? Buy some rat traps? Call pest control? What??

Well, rat poison is often the most effective way of dealing with a rat infestation. The rat control kits we provide here at Pest Control Supermarket contain maximum strength Formula ‘B’ rodenticide, along with lockable bait stations and trays for both open and secure baiting, so they are more than capable of dealing with any unwelcome visitors you may have.

However, as leaders in the pest control field, we here at Pest Control Supermarket appreciate that this method isn’t suitable for every situation. Indeed, instances where an alternative food source may hamper control, or in sensitive areas where rat bait cannot be used, rat glue traps are arguably the best alternatives to rodenticide.

So, if you are worried about rats becoming a problem in your home, area or place of work; look no further than our exemplary pest control products here at Pest Control Supermarket.

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