Did you know?

In the U.K there are several species of mice, but 3 are considered the most problematic pests if you have them in your home. The Harvest Mouse or Micromys mintus, Wood Mouse or Apodemus sylvaticus (also known as the Long-tailed field mouse) and the Yellow-necked Mouse Apodemus flavicollis (which is closely related to the Harvest Mouse).

The Harvest Mouse a small rodent native to Europe and Asia, is the smallest rodent in Europe. In the U.K it is common in parts of Wales and from Yorkshire too far into the south, though it is not found on high ground.

The pre-breeding season population of this particular mouse is estimate to only be about 1.4 million, with conservation efforts in place to prevent this little four-legged fiend from going on to the endangered species list.

The Wood Mouse is also known as the Long-tailed Field Mouse. It is the commonest and most widespread mouse species that resides in the British countryside.

The Wood Mouse is a close relative of the rarer yellow-necked mouse. It differs slightly only in that it has no band of yellow fur around the neck, is slightly smaller in size, darker in colour and has smaller ears.

The pre-breeding season population of Wood mice is estimated to be in excess of 38 million.

The Yellow-necked Mouse is closely related to the wood mouse, with which it was long confused, only being recognised as a separate species in 1894. It differs in its band of yellow fur around the neck and in having slightly larger ears and usually being slightly larger overall. When sitting upright its characteristic yellow-brown collar patch can be seen, distinguishing it from the wood mouse.

In the U.K, they are concentrated around the Welsh borders, the western Cotswolds and south-eastern counties. As with the wood mouse, they range across Europe through to Central Asia, however, they range further North in Scandinavia than the wood mouse.

Yellow-necked mice are rarer in Britain than the Wood mice. They are mainly restricted to southern England and Wales.

The Yellow-necked mouse pre-breeding season population is estimated to be up to 750,000.



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