5 of the deadliest pests around the world

Contrary to belief, pests can damage more than clothes, furniture and belongings. It is important to know the risks and diseases that pests carry, along with the cures and preventatives that can be put into place.

Bullet Ant

The bullet ant is most known as the largest ant in the world. The name derives from the pain caused by their bite – it has been compared to being shot and is 30 times more powerful than both a bee and wasp sting. They are mainly located in the Paraguay and Nicaragua rainforests and each colony is made up of at least 100 members. When they come across a predator, they release an unpleasant odour which attracts members of the colony, ready for attack.

Giant Japanese Hornet

As the largest and most dangerous hornet in the world, their bite contains a deadly venom that causes an allergic reaction. The venom causes human flesh to dissolve in just a matter of hours, and without immediate and proper treatment can result in death. Each colony of the giant Japanese hornet contains more than 700 members, so surviving an attack by the whole colony is slim to none.


Carrying the lethal disease Malaria, mosquitos cause thousands of deaths globally each year. They also carry Dengue Fever, West Nile Fever, Yellow Fever and Japanese Encephalitis. It is advised that when travelling, backpackers and tourists vaccinate themselves accordingly to avoid contracting a deadly disease. You can find out more about the vaccinations by contacting your GP.

Tsetse Flies

Known as the most lethal biting insect in Africa, the Tsetse fly feed off the blood of vertebrates. With each bite, the fly injects a toxic venom which causes approximately half a million deaths annually. The bite from a Tsetse fly causes sleeping sickness and could potentially lead to death if left untreated.

Kissing Bug

The kissing bugs are named based on their feeding habits. They land on human lips, biting them whilst they are asleep. It is one of the most feared insets due to them transmitting the Trypanosomacruzi parasite. The kissing bug also transmits the Chagas disease which kills approximately 12,000 people annually.

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